Sunday, January 6, 2008

Little Sisters, part III

During the next seven weeks that followed at the camp, it almost became routine to hear the little sisters singing and chanting, always happy. From time to time, I'd take a short break from picking, stretching my back, hoping to see them but no such luck. I'd even begin to feel their presence before their singing would begin. I was growing very comfortable around them and looked forward to their visits. Not on that, but I sensed they were getting more comfortable with me, the singing sometimes sounded very near. Never did we have a conversation, as much as I tried. Their only response was giggling and laughter.
The weeks there at the end of November were miserable ones. The weekly take of cranberries was ever smaller. The Frenchman had gotten ill so I wouldn't be questioning him any further. The water in the lake had risen, flooding the bog which was good as it kept the berries from freezing. However, day after day of rain and snow, took it's toll on me, spending a lot of time in the tepee. I could feel the girls presence just outside the tepee at times, before it was always down at the bog. Not a peep out of them while they were there, which was strange.
It had rained and snowed so much that the ground inside the tepee became wet. Instead of moving the tepee which would have been too much work at that point, I cribbed the floor with lengths of saplings. This put my sleeping bag and supplies above the wet soaked ground, even the dog was happy with this arrangement!
Finally the rain and snow gave way to a cold snap. I awoke one morning to find the bog covered in ice! By busting the thin ice with my feet I could still get to the protected berries emerged in the water. Soon after picking about a bushel the sun came out and the girls started to sing once again. Now and then, I would look up to check on the dog who was now content on laying on the ridge. I heard a "yip" from the dog and looked up to my astonishment to see what seemed like the dog playing with the girls! I could not see the girls , but here was the dog carrying on between the two! What a sight to see!!!
The following morning was very bright, the sun filling the whole sky but very cold. I ran up the ridge to find ice now thirty feet from the shoreline! Time to break camp!
The sun was setting behind the pines when I shoved off the shore in the canoe with the last load of supplies. I hadn't heard from the girls the entire day. Suppose they were mad that I was leaving, we'd become so close. At the time I couldn't comprehend how much I'd miss my friends in the months, years to come. Surely, without them, I would have packed it up long before then. Tears welled up in my eyes as the well worn trail faded away from vision. What the little sisters did give me that day I left, was their story to share with you.....


Larry Kollar said...

Fascinating story, Yooper. Thanks for sharing it. Can I point a folklorist this way?

yooper said...

Hey Far! You bet, I'll try and answer any questions the best I can.

Family Man said...

Hiya Yooper!

What FAR said. Congrats on the new blog. Looking forward to more stories.

Take care


yooper said...

Thanks family man! Gee, it only took me a couple months to finally get around to doing this one! I'll have much more free time to jot down some ideas in the next couple months ahead before I'll get real busy again.

My next story will be,"The Royal Flush in Spades", describing a fast crash scenario, here in America. Last year at this time, I came forth with it over at BNB, Bull not bull, Michael Nystrom's site. This story drew quite a bit of attention from the peak oil community. So much so, in part, that lead Michael to end the forum altoghter.

Hopefully, I won't be opening a can of worms here and not draw a bunch of unwanted guests as it did over at BNB. It's a very unique prospective of what might lie ahead.

It'll likely come in seven parts. It's sure a thriller, a real eye opener! Hang in there with me and I'll show you a vision of what our world could turn to.....

Thanks, yooper

Larry Kollar said...

Looking forward to the new story, Yooper. I don't think you'll get much unwanted attention — nobody has given me any guff about FAR Future yet, and I've mentioned it on both Archdruid's and Kunstler's blogs.

Turns out Ghostfolk is busy working on a book proposal, so he's not doing much online stuff at the moment. I'm sure he'll be along sooner or later.

yooper said...

Hey Far! Gee, I hope you're right! Some of these people are down right nasty! I know JMG, has his problems with it, however, I'm not a writer. Basically, I'd just like a place to present and store some stories on. It won't be an everyday thing like your blog, I just won't have the time to maintain it.

You've got some really good people on your blog! You keep it refreshing talking about a wide range of topics! Being personal and real are you best attributes! Another reason I like the FAR FUTURE, so much.

One of the reasons why I came forth on BNB, is to provide a logical theory as to what people might expect if the lights should go out for good. If this is what people fear the most and I believe it overwhelming is, why not describe a scenario discribing such an event?

Thanks for the encouragement, Far!